GCSE English Language and Literature

"The answers you get from Literature depend on the questions you pose"

Margaret Atwood

Students of all ages are regularly confronted with challenges in the English syllabus including:

  • Basic skills – spelling, handwriting, vocabulary building, reading with good understanding, grammar and punctuation.
  • Working towards exams - key skills and set texts.

Our English tuition helps students meet these challenges.

We offer both English Language and English literature tuition to prepare students for all requirements of the GCSE Specifications for all the major examination boards.

Our small group English tuition aims to:

Build confidence in set texts for Literature.

Learn exam technique to maximise marks.

Build reading skills in English Language.

Teach writing skills for Papers One and Two.

Teach examination techniques in  planning and answering questions.

Practise timed questions.

Tailor the pace and delivery to suit student needs.

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Keep the learning momentum

There is plenty of evidence that shows that students who attend regular tuition through to their last examination paper, benefit significantly and improve their grades.  

In particular, why not book in for an Easter revision course in Year 11 to ensure that all of the valuable weekly tuition your child is receiving is not lost in the build up to the final examinations?

Don't let the “Summer dip” strike and lose any momentum over the 6 week holiday!

Sign up for A Star Tuition Rugby’s intensive 11+ summer school which runs over the school summer holidays. We provide a 2 hour lesson, once a week covering Maths, English, Verbal reasoning, Non verbal reasoning and cloze questions.

Summer Courses & Workshops